Day 4 - Final Day

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Today it began by a great cooperation between teams Mexico, Kossovo and France.

Indeed, for their next alliance teams Mexico and France would have liked to build a lifting system for team Kossovo’s robot.

Three teams cooperating
Three teams cooperating

Unfortunatly it didn’t work.

1st match : none of our alliance’s alliance manage to hang except ours :( 2nd match : Kossovo’s robot didn’t work at all, our disconnected :( 3rd match : our robot failed to hang !

Hopefully this was also signature and collection day so the students were happy anyway even if a bit disapointed.

Mathis back
Mathis back

Mathis fro,t
Mathis front

And then, at the beginning at the closing ceremony, the surprise came :

Siver medal
Siver medal

Our team was awarded the Silver Medal in the Sofia Kovalevskaya Award for international journey !!

We think this is mostly thanks to this blog. That means it is thanks to all of YOU readers of the world ! We are so proud and grateful.

Thank You So Much

After that we managed to gather some teams at the Washington monument for an informal picnic.

On the way toward the Washington monument
On the way toward the Washington monument

There were at least 10 teams and we had a very good time all together.


But then it was time to leave and to say good bye to everyone. It was such a pleasure to have met all those fantastic people. We hope to stay in touch.

Time for tourism !

Washington at night
Washington at night