TR2018 - Normandie Championship

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Whe we arrive at the sciences university of Rouen, we can note they’re not ready : The tables aren’t built yet, the slopes for the bees are not set (and they won’t be !), the switches for the home automation panels are not at the right height etc…

It looks like haste and lack of organization. This is really a pityt for all the teams that spent the last months reading carefuly all the rules.

We pass the inspection without any problem.



But the first match is really disapointing. We fail collecting the balls, so we didn’t put any in the container. Nevertheless we scored 119 points which is not that bad.


The second match is even worth, we fail once again to collect the balls : 112 points.

After a better third match, it appears that the other teams are not really good neither so we end up third and we qualify for the national chammenge.

We still have to play for the Normand ranking.

At last, our quarterfinal match goes well : not only do we win it but moreover we score 176 points ! But we broke one of our motors ! Not sure to go any further now :( We have 3 minutes to mend it ! Fingers cross.

We win the semi-final with 178 points so we access to the final against the former regional winners. We can do it !

We win the first match scoring 188 points vs 183 but we lose the second one 137 vs 163 (another problem with our motor ??). Unfortunately we also lose the last one 166 vs 192.

So we make it second at the Normandie championship.

The award
The award