TR2019 - Kick Off

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Here we are, the Trophées de robotique kick off.

The rules are ready and like every year, we take the challenge.

This year, Quentin cannot participate anymore (too old and too busy) but we have new members : Félix (15), Mohammed (16) and Matthieu (16). Of course Mathis and Antoine are still there.

This first step will be the regional competition which will take place in Caen on the 23rd of March 2019.

And, if all goes weel, we’d like to qualify for the third time to the national competition which will take place in Saint-Quentin on the 6th and 7th of April 2019.

We meet every Sunday to work and this is fuzzy ! On se réunit donc tous les dimanches pour travailler et ça part dans tous les sens !

  1. We would like to have an autonomous robot able to find its way.

    1. Félix and Mathis build a base frame

    Prototype de robot autonome
    Prototype de robot autonome

    1. Antoine and Matthieu try to code with encoders and gyroscope.

    Tests de programme
    Tests de programme

  2. We also ahve to build a small robot able to climb up on a string. Mohamed and François prototype with Lego

    Prototype en Lego
    Prototype en Lego

  3. The main robot must be able to collect and store pucks. Our first idea is to try to collect them on the ground.

    Félix et Mathis conçoivent le mécanisme de récupération des palets
    Félix et Mathis conçoivent le mécanisme de récupération des palets

  4. About the elements on the playground :

    1. We have bought the pucks but haven’t drilled them yet to make some lighter. We’re not even sure to do it since we dpn’t think it’s important for practice.
    2. We have bought the vinyl coating but not installed it yet.
    3. For the other elements the Papavoine carpentry in Saint-Aubin sur Gaillon will help us build them.

in short, we have work to do and a lot of fun !