WARC 2018 - France -> China

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Leaving Paris around noon, we land in Guangzhou around 7am (local time) after a 12 hours flight. We have a 7 hours stop there so we decide to go exploring the town.

Outside, it is sweltering and humid, we’re very tired and completely disoriented. It is incredible.

Marches à la sortie du métro
Marches à la sortie du métro

Temple Bouddhiste
Temple Bouddhiste


Then we take our second flight toward Guiyang where the contest will take place.

There, we’re welcomed likes princes.

Accueil équipes
Accueil équipes

We’re driven into a minibus for the four of us !


Which takes us directly to a 5 stars hotel.

Hall de l’hôtel
Hall de l'hôtel

Two hudge bedrooms have been booked for us :

But at this time, we haven’t slept for more than 30 hours. We’re falling aspleep.