What's next ?

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Our contest are over for now but we still have projects. Plenty !

For our robotic team, we firstly need to move our workshop to our new facilty them we’d like to work on an autonomous robot to prepare our secondary robot in the 2020 Trophées de robotique. Basically it means that during the next weeks we’ll try to imagine,build and code a wheeled bot able to know its position anytime and moving itself from one point to another.

The robotic workshop for kids from the community center is nearly over for this year. The kids will soon show their skill during its general assembly.

Furthermore, we’ll try to do something new next year. Indeed, from the next start of the school year, our non-profit wants to set up a weekly workshop to teach code to kids.

For this we will need a new volonteer at least and, if we find one, we’ll try to fundraise so that we can set up our premises.

We'd like to create a code club or a coder dojo . If you're interested in volunteering or if you know someone who could be, please let us know by mail or through our contact section.